Pycnonotus goiavier
Bird call - on you tube and elsewhere including this really cute one
Disclaimer : All photos on this page were taken by the city warbler in Makati, Manila, in the midst of active city life. No birds were harmed when shooting these photos. All copyrights with God and Nature who created this bird.
Yellow Vented Bulbul - Washington SyCip park, Makati, Manila, Philippines. Photo by the city warbler |
This cute chappie was sitting on a tree, on the edge of the park, patiently waiting for me to adjust my camera and take a photo of him.
A few hundred photos later, I ran and opened my bird guide (a.k.a Google to the uninitiated!) and there it was - easy to spot ... the yellow vented bulbul.
The yellow vent itself is difficult to notice (unless you shamelessly stare there!) as it is at it's ..... ummmm...nether regions.... but the rest of the bird is pretty distinct to identify.
A Yellow Vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus goiavier) in the midst of greenery Spotted in Makati, Philippines by the city warbler |
After listening to it's bird call, though, I wish I could have heard it, as it sounds like the fresh tinkering of handheld chimes.
Here are some more photos of the yellow vented bulbul that I took later -
The yellow vent is seen quiet clearly |
Thinking up it's next melody... |
The yellow vented bulbul, partly hidden in the midst of leaves and fruits |
... and here is a pair of them! |
Further information -
- Wikipedia, the ultimate source of information (and misinformation) introduced me to Pycnonotus goiavier, and led me to Naturia's informative page on the Yellow vented Bulbul.
- Oiseaux showed me more photos of the yellow vented bulbul, thus making me surer of my paltry information.
- The Philippines bird watchers group showed me some real good photos they had taken and Xeno Canto is an amazing and trendy resource for bird information.
- This and this were some interesting blogs about it
A note of Thanks -
Thanks to all the above (and many more, all of whom it would be impossible to name) for posting information on the net, to Tim Berners - Lee for the world wide web, to Larry Page and Sergey Brin for Google, to Nature for making all of this possible, and to God for enabling us to appreciate her beauty.
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